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June 27, 2009


The Catskill Chamber of Commerce honors this year's Quadra-Centennial celebration of the discovery of the Hudson River with another fabulous display of sixty-some fiberglass cats placed at strategic points up and down Main Street in the town of Catskill, NY. The sculptures are painted by artists residing in the Hudson River Valley and are on exhibit through September.

Take a day trip up to Catskill and check them out !
(Roxie's cat is in front of the police station...)



  Birds of prey once lived abundantly in the Hudson Valley prior to increased pesticide use following WWII.  It is through the banning of DDT in the US and other conservation efforts that a strategy to reestablish these nesting birds was devised.  My image depicts first snowfall over the Catskills, viewed from the Vanderbilt Estate in Hyde Park, NY, and celebrates the recovery of all avian species.  It is my intention to capture a timeless and magical moment in the valley where all sentient beings co-exist in complete harmony.  My title refers to the psychic and emotional energies that we, as a human race, invest in our environment and in giving birth to discovery.